Luis de Matos wins top Magic Circle award. | Magic News | Tuesday, October 22, 2013  |  Comments Off on Luis de Matos wins top Magic Circle award.

Congratulations to international illusionist Luis de Matos who has been honoured with the 2013 David Devant award by The Magic Circle.

In 1999 Luis was nominated ‘Magician of the Year’ by the Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood. In 2010 he was again honoured when fellow magicians around the world voted him ‘Illusionist of the Decade’.

Luis is a household name in Portugal where he’s hosted and produced over 150 highly successful and award winning television shows. Last year, UK audiences saw Luis in action on ‘The Magicians’ the hit BBC One show which put magic back on Saturday night television for the first time in over 20 years.

Renowned for the grandest of illusions, Luis de Matos is the man who made an elephant disappear in under five seconds, and a Ferrari melt away whilst surrounded by members of the audience. He made a six ton Renault truck appear in front of an invited audience of executives (in the company’s own building!) and when Disney launched the Disney Channel in Portugal it was Luis who magically produced Mickey Mouse in a spectacular illusion so he could switch on the TV channel for the very first time!

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The David Devant is awarded to individuals who have made a significant contribution in advancing the art of magic internationally. The trophy is a replica bust of David Devant, the first President of The Magic Circle. The original life size bronze is on permanent display in the society’s London headquarters.

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