Derren Brown – How did he do it?? | Magic News | Monday, September 21, 2009  |  16 Comments »

You may have seen on the TV and in the press recently that illusionist Derren Brown has series a series called ‘The Events’ on Channel 4.  Last week the show involved Derren preicted the lottery results for Wednesday’s draw and then revealing them live straight after the draw. Amazingly he managed to match all six numbers. There […]

Jack Delvin is named as new president of The Magic Circle | Magic News | Monday, September 14, 2009  |  Comments Off on Jack Delvin is named as new president of The Magic Circle

Esteemed illusionist Jack Delvin has been made president of world famous magic club The Magic Circle. This comes after the sad death of former president Ali Bongo in March.   Jack has been astounding people with his magic for over 50 years, performing all over the world at many high profile events. Jack also teaches […]

FISM World Championship come to the UK! | Magic News | Monday, September 7, 2009  |  17 Comments »

We are proud to announce that the UK has been chosen as the destination for the 2012 FISM World Championships. FISM or Federation Internationale des Socits Magiques (International Federation of Magic Societies) holds it’s Championships every three years, this years being the 24th meet, was held in Bejing. Winners this year included brit Mark Oberon, who […]