Hustling America | Gossip, Magic News | Monday, September 9, 2013  |  Comments Off on Hustling America

Hustling America, the new show by Alexis Conran is premiering tonight on Channel 5 at 7pm. The ‘Real Hustle’ star will be taking his skills to the US, and following in the footsteps of some of the greatest hustlers in history including his hero, Titanic Thompson.

The first episode will see Alex travel to Dallas and attempt a series of ‘Titanic’ inspired proposition bets to measure himself against the great man.

He also has the opportunity to meet Tommy Thomas, a former card cheat turned preacher and the son of Titanic himself, who gives Alex a first-hand account into his father’s exciting and so often dangerous world.

To book Alex to speak at your event give us a call or send a message here.

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