Professional Mindreader has pocket picked! | Gossip | Tuesday, June 15, 2010  |  11 Comments »

Playwright Alan Bennett was mugged this week by a gang of girls who secretly flicked ice-cream onto his jacket, then as they ‘helped’ him to clean it off, they quietly helped themselves to his wallet too.

But another similar distraction scam is currently doing the rounds in London and one of our team, professional mindreader Graham Jolley has been targeted. He writes – This scam caught me totally by surprise. Please don’t be naive enough to think it couldn’t happen to you or your friends and please pass this information to any men who may be regular supermarket customers.

Here’s how it works. Recently, I became a victim of a clever scam while shopping at Tesco.  Two very attractive girls in their early twenties, came over as I was packing shopping bags into my car. One of them had a bucket of soapy water and the other started to clean my windscreen with a sponge. They only wore skimpy t-shirts and I realise now that they were distracting me. When I offered them a couple of quid they declined but asked for a lift to the local McDonalds.

Stupidly I agreed and on the way, one of them took off her shirt claiming it was wet from the water. Then she started climbing onto my lap while the other one stole my wallet.

I’ve had my wallet stolen on May 4th, 9th & 12th – twice on the 15th and the 24th – three times last Monday and probably once again next weekend.

So please tell your friends to be vigilant. This is a horrible way to take advantage of us older men.

By the way, Tesco has wallets on sale at £2.99 each.

Graham Jolley

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